Headaches Behind The Eyes

woman touching her eyes in eye clinic in Abuja

Usually, headaches behind the eyes are common, and they may result from underlying health issues ranging from eye strain to migraine. Pain behind the eyes can affect one or both sides, and it may occur with light sensitivity and other types of discomfort. In this article, we are going to look at two causes:

  • Migraine
  • Eye strain

Migraine is a common condition, affecting almost 16%Trusted Source of adults in the United States.

A migraine headache can cause extreme pain on one side of the head, sometimes behind one eye. This pain can last for up to 72 hours trusted Source.

In addition to a migraine headache, a person may experience:

  • dizziness
  • weakness
  • nausea and vomiting
  • sensitivity to light and sound
  • mood changes
  • visual disturbances, known as aura


Doctors are unsure what precisely causes migraine. However, changes to nerve signaling and blood vessels in the eye may play an important role in its development.

Outside triggers are often the catalyst for migraine attacks. Common migraine triggers include:

  • lack of sleep
  • hormonal changes
  • environmental factors, such as strong smells, smoke, or flickering lights
  • dehydration
  • consuming too much caffeine or alcohol
  • strong emotions, such as stress or anxiety

Computer eye strain, also known as digital eye strain or computer vision syndrome, is an umbrella term that includes several vision-related conditions. People will often experience discomfort in their eyes due to looking at electronic screens for prolonged periods.

Alongside discomfort in one or both eyes, a person that spends large, uninterrupted periods looking at screens or digital devices may experience any of the following symptoms:

  • dry eyes
  • headaches
  • neck and shoulder pain
  • blurry vision

A person may only experience discomfort behind their eyes after looking at digital screens for long stretches, and symptoms may improve once they stop doing so. However, the prevalence of these computer-related symptoms is growing rapidly, and if a person experiences continued symptoms, they might require medical assistance.


Focusing and refocusing on a screen for long periods can cause eye strain, which can also result from problems with vision.

A person will typically experience eye strain after focusing on a single object or task for a prolonged period. Dimly lit environments and tiredness can also cause eye strain.


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