Are Contacts Better Than Glasses?

A cartoon depicting a person with glasses pointing to his eye at an eye clinic in Abuja.

In most cases, this is all up to your personal preferences. If you’re comparing the difference between contacts vs. eye glasses, you needn’t completely ignore one for the other. Many people choose to wear their contact lenses during certain hours, say while at school or work, and then switch to their glasses later. You can also add some variety by wearing contact lenses one day and eye glasses another.

Cleaning contact lenses: Is it hard to do?

You’ll find that cleaning your contacts isn’t much more time consuming than cleaning your glasses. Just make sure you’re using sterile contact lens solution—not tap water. The water from your bathroom sink can contain deposits that could build up on your contact lenses. You don’t want that to happen.

Plus—and this is very important—never place your contacts in your mouth or spit on them in an effort to clean them. You’ll likely wind up doing the exact opposite by introducing bacteria.

If you want to avoid nightly cleanings altogether, consider getting daily contact lenses. With these contacts, you simply wear and toss them every day. There’s no daily cleaning required.

Are contact lenses dangerous?

Millions of people wear contacts safely every day. Some first-time contact lens wearers worry about the lenses slipping behind their eyes. Rest easy, this can’t happen. Your conjunctiva, the transparent cover for your eyes’ exterior, prevents this.

However, you should be aware that contact lenses are medical devices. They can only be prescribed and dispensed by a licensed eye care professional.  People have incurred eye injuries by wearing novelty “Halloween” contact lenses.


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