Category: EyeCare

Managing Choroidal Melanomas

Managing Choroidal Melanomas best eye clinic in abuja

Choroidal melanoma is among the most common tumors of the eye. It affects one of the most vascular tissues of the body. Its diagnosis requires an internal ophthalmoscopy as well as ancillary tests including fluorescein angiography, ultrasonography of the eye, and transillumination. Fine needle aspiration cytology has now fallen out of favor due to the […]

Nutrition And Your Eyes

Nutrition And Your Eyes A table adorned with a variety of fruits and vegetables.

When you think about nutrition, you may not be thinking about how it can impact the health of your eyes, in addition to your overall wellness. Both optometrists and dieticians believe in the power of food and nutrients to enhance lives and improve health! Both optometrists and dieticians can provide guidance on appropriate foods to […]

My contacts are so dry! What can I do?

My contacts are so dry! What can I do? A man is applying an eye cream to his eye at an eye clinic in Abuja.

One of the most common issues with contact lenses in Calgary, Alberta is the dryness. What can we do about dryness? Here are some easy solutions: Use non-preserved teardrops or contact lens rewetting drops throughout the day. It is important to remember to use them BEFORE you start to notice the dryness. Try a different […]

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